ალბათ ყველა დამეთანხმებით, რომ კანის გაწმენდა ყოველთვის უსიამოვნო პროცედურასთან ასოცირდება, მეზოთერაპია კი ნემსთან. იმისთვის, რომ ეს ყველაფერი სასიამოვნო გახდეს და შედეგიც საუკეთესო იყოს, Beautify Aesthetic Studio - გვთავაზობს ყველანაირ კანის მოვლის პროცედურას სრულიად უმტკივნეულოდ, იტალიური აპარატების მეშვეობით.
Beautify -ში ჩავიტარე სახის ბზინვარების პროცედურა, რომლის დროსაც ხდება სახის ულტრაბგერითი პილინგი და კანის ღრმა დატენიანება Skin Master Plus იტალიური აპარატის მეშვეობით.
ულტრაბგერითი პილინგით კანს ვაშორებთ მკვდარ უჯრედებს, მაკიაჟის ნარჩენებს და შავ კომედონებს. კანი ხდება გლუვი და სუფთა.
სახის კანის ღრმა დატენიანება, იგივე უნემსო მეზოთერაპია, ხდება ფონოფორეზის მეშვეობით, რომლის დროსაც კანის სიღრმეში ნემსის გარეშე შეგვყავს დამატენიანებელი შრატები ან ჰიალურონის გელი. დატენიანება აუმჯობესებეს კანის ფერს და ამდიდრებს მას ჟანგბადით. ხდის ელასტიურს და მოჰყავს ტონუსში. აძლევს კანს ახალგაზრდა და ბზინავ ეფექტს. სახის ბზინვარების პროცედურა რეკომენდირებულია ნებისმიერი კანის ტიპისთვის და ასაკისთვის. პროცედურა ძალიან სასიამოვნოა.
Beautify ესთეტიკურ სტუდიაში იყენებენ ექსკლუზიურ იტალიურ აპარატურულ კოსმეტიკურ ხაზს IMAGINE.
სახის ბზინვარების პროცედურის დროს აქვთ შრატების დიდი არჩევანი: ბიორევიტალიზაციის შრატი, პიგმენტური ლაქების საწინააღმდეგო შრატი, გამწმენდი, ლიფტინგის და დამატენიანებელი შრატები.
რაც მთავარია , Beautify-ში არის ფანტასტიური გარემო და კვალიფიციური სპეციალისტები, რომლებიც შეძლებენ სხვადასხვა პროცედურების დროს სრულიად მოგიხსნან დაღლილობა, სტრესი და იქ გატარებული დრო ერთ-ერთ ყველაზე სასიამოვნო მომენტად აისახოს თქვენს მეხსიერებაში.
მისამართი: ალ.ყაზბეგის გამზირზე 24გ,მე-5 სადარბაზოს მე-7 სართული
ტელ: 2181322; 514 207 700; 555 54 53 52
დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის ეწვიეთ Facebook-ის გვერდს: https://www.facebook.com/beautify.ge?__mref=message_bubble
Nice :)
DeleteGood day everyone,I can’t hide this great testimony that took place in my life I will love everyone to know it and be a partaker of this, that is why I want to share it to the whole world by placing this advert on classifieds, I am Mrs Karen Brown by name, I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee United State, I want to thank ROBBINSON MOORE for his kindness upon my family life, I never knew that there is still a sincere and trustworthy lender like this on the internet and on earth. Just some days I was in search for a loan of $ 100,000.00, As I was running out of money for feeding, School fees, My business was really going out of capital and my rent. I was scammed about $15,000.00 dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again. But a Friend of mine introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings and also my complains to her. And I told her that I am not interested in any loan deal anymore but she told me that there is still a sincere lender who she will recommend me to, And she gave me the details of this man who is called MOORE ROBBINSON. And I really put a trial and I am most greatful and lucky today, I was given a loan amount of $95,000,00 Dollars by this great firm MOORE LOAN COMPANY. If you arew in need of a genuine, Sincere, durable and a truth worthy loan lender or financial assistance and also you know you can be reliable and trusted, capable of paying back at the due / duration time of the funds I will advice you to send your contact to them via email @[ mooreloancompany@yahoo.com] OR Text (414) 454-9493 . And you will be free from scams on the internet. Please I am begging everyone on earth to help me thank Mr ROBBINSON MOORE. And I ill always being sharing this great surprise and testimony that happened in my life everyday to all that need loans. Contact them now if you are in need of a loan: AS THEY ARE EFFICIENT,DYNAMIC AND RELAIBLE.....Again there contact email [mooreloancompany@yahoo.com OR Text (414) 454-9493
ReplyDeleteI am Edward Jones Jr. Do you need an urgent loan to support your business or in any purpose? we are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan Company. We offer loans to Business firms, companies and individuals at an affordable interest rate of 2% , It might be a short or long term loan or even if you have poor credit, we shall process your loan as soon as we receive your application. we are an independent financial institution. We have built up an excellent reputation over the years in providing various types of loans to thousands of our customers. We Offer guaranteed loan services of any amount to people all over the globe, we offer easy Personal loans,Commercial/business loan,Car loan Leasing/equipment finance, Debt consolidation loan, Home loan, ETC with either a good or bad credit history. If you are in need of a loan do contact us via email (jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com) OR Text (424) 281-7747
ReplyDeleteGod bless you sir, I will not stop telling the world about your kindness in my life, I am a single mum with kids to look after. My name is Emily Thomas and I am from Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL . A couple of weeks ago My friend visited me and along our discussion she told me about EDWARD JONES FINANCE, that they can help me out of my financial situation, I never believed cause I have spend so much money on different loan lenders who did nothing other than running away with my money. I have been in a financial mess for the pass 7 months now, She advised I give it a try so I mailed him and explain all about my financial situation to him, he therefore took me through the loan process and gave me a loan of $390,000.00 at a very low interest rate of 2% and today I am a proud business owner and can now take good care of my kids, If you must contact any firm to get any amount of loan you need with a low interest rate of 2% and better repayment schedule, please contact EDWARD JONES FINANCE email:- {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com} OR Text +1(307) 241-3712 or go to there page on http://jonesloanfinance.bravesites.com
ReplyDeleteGood day everyone,I can’t hide this great testimony that took place in my life I will love everyone to know it and be a partaker of this, that is why I want to share it to the whole world by placing this advert on classifieds, I am Mrs Karen Brown by name, I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee United State, I want to thank ROBBINSON MOORE for his kindness upon my family life, I never knew that there is still a sincere and trustworthy lender like this on the internet and on earth. Just some days I was in search for a loan of $ 100,000.00, As I was running out of money for feeding, School fees, My business was really going out of capital and my rent. I was scammed about $15,000.00 dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again. But a Friend of mine introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings and also my complains to her. And I told her that I am not interested in any loan deal anymore but she told me that there is still a sincere lender who she will recommend me to, And she gave me the details of this man who is called MOORE ROBBINSON. And I really put a trial and I am most greatful and lucky today, I was given a loan amount of $95,000,00 Dollars by this great firm MOORE LOAN COMPANY. If you arew in need of a genuine, Sincere, durable and a truth worthy loan lender or financial assistance and also you know you can be reliable and trusted, capable of paying back at the due / duration time of the funds I will advice you to send your contact to them via email @[ mooreloancompany@yahoo.com] OR Text (414) 454-9493 . And you will be free from scams on the internet. Please I am begging everyone on earth to help me thank Mr ROBBINSON MOORE. And I ill always being sharing this great surprise and testimony that happened in my life everyday to all that need loans. Contact them now if you are in need of a loan: AS THEY ARE EFFICIENT,DYNAMIC AND RELAIBLE.....Again there contact email [mooreloancompany@yahoo.com OR Text (414) 454-9493
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